Health Burgenland

Company kindergartens as a strategic ace

05.03.2024 11:00

Gesundheit Burgenland wants to establish four company kindergartens in the long term. The first will open before the summer in the new Oberwart clinic - as a cooperation project with the BAfEP.

Family friendliness is becoming an increasingly important factor in many companies. A company kindergarten is a double bonus when it comes to deciding on a job. The advantages are obvious: better compatibility for family and career, opening hours adapted to the company and the special feature that parents often return to work more quickly after maternity leave.

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As an attractive employer, we want to enhance the value of the clinics, and childcare facilities are a clear competitive advantage when it comes to recruiting the best doctors and nursing staff.

(Bild: APA/Robert Jäger)

Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil

Last company kindergarten closed in 2009
In Burgenland, the ideal of a company kindergarten has so far only been wishful thinking. It should not stay that way. The last company kindergarten, the one at Oberwart Hospital, was closed in 2009. 15 years later, Governor Hans Peter Doskozil is making a comeback for such a childcare facility. "As an attractive employer, we want to enhance the value of the hospitals and childcare facilities are a clear competitive advantage when it comes to attracting the best doctors and nursing staff," says Doskozil. The financial incentive has already been provided with the medical and healthcare professions package.

Opening hours adapted to working hours
The "company kindergarten" pilot project is being launched at the new Oberwart Clinic - with opening hours that are adapted to the working hours of the staff. Operations are due to start before the summer - but not in the new clinic, but in the practice kindergarten of the Federal Training Institute for Elementary Education (BAfEP) 600 meters away. A search for staff is currently underway. The plans have already met with a very positive response from staff, according to Gesundheit Burgenland. They are also aware that the offer will create great demand. Further company kindergartens of Gesundheit Burgenland are to follow in the clinics of Güssing, Kittsee (later Gols) and Oberpullendorf.

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