Talent and aptitude

With tests to the dream job, also as a second chance

01.03.2024 20:51

Up to 7000 young people and adults are to be tested for their talents at the Carinthia Test Center every year. This may help them to land their dream job, sometimes at the second attempt.

"Older people also have to ask themselves what the right job is for them," emphasizes Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. "We will have to do more, so it is all the more important to discover talent early on." The Carinthia Test Center, which has just opened, aims to achieve this.

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This offer is available for young people and those who have been young for some time. Unfortunately, the job market is becoming increasingly difficult.

Andreas Görgei, WIFI-Geschäftsführer

Previously, the offer was open to young people - up to 3,300 accepted it every year. Now adults can also have their talents and abilities tested. "They shouldn't just sit in some course, but find a job that they enjoy," explains WK Carinthia President Jürgen Mandl with a view to job seekers. "There are many signs of constant change. There will hardly be a job for life anymore."

That's why test candidates are immediately matched with suitable job offers. "Finding a job is becoming increasingly difficult, but the test center can make connections straight away," confirms WIFI Managing Director Andreas Görgei. "We expect 1000 candidates each from AMS, companies and private individuals." The test center is open to all employers in Carinthia. "We have transformed a ruined business premises into an educational campus that should benefit everyone," emphasizes WK Director Meinrad Höfferer.

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