Carcass next to house

Deer cow torn: “Fire at will” for wolf

20.02.2024 08:00

The crack pattern and photos would show that a wolf was at work in a residential area in Fieberbrunn in Tyrol (Kitzbühel district) at the weekend. The state is preparing the decree to shoot the wolf. The DNA test for one hundred percent certainty is not awaited in this case.

After a doe was killed on Lindauweg, the experts assume that the attacker was a wolf. "The pattern of the tear with the typical bites is quite clear," said the Tyrolean authorities on Monday. There is also a photo from an eyewitness. It also suggests a wolf.

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The crack pattern with the typical bites is quite clear.

Land Tirol

Shooting order without DNA test result
The shooting order is therefore already being drawn up and could be ready by the middle of the week. The state does not want to wait for the result of a DNA test, which often takes two to three weeks. Objections are not possible; as is well known, the state has chosen the ordinance route.

The carcass was found in front of this house. (Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)
The carcass was found in front of this house.

In a residential area, therefore a "high-risk wolf"
The reason for the shooting is that the wolf was repeatedly seen (also by other witnesses) in residential areas. It is therefore classified as a "high-risk wolf" - not to be confused with a "harmful wolf", which is identified as such after mass sheep kills, for example. As is usual in such cases, the local hunting community is called upon to shoot the wolf once the shooting notice has been issued. A radius of ten kilometers around the known "crime scene" applies.

No further sightings reported for the time being
Mayor Walter Astner, who is currently abroad, has not identified any major concerns among the population for the time being. Following the sighting of the wolf at the weekend, the Fieberbrunn police station has not received any further such reports.

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