"Pause for a moment"

Start of the super election year: President admonishes parties

14.02.2024 10:50

Political speeches are traditionally made on Ash Wednesday today, and the FPÖ, ÖVP and SPÖ are not missing out. In this year's super election year in particular, fierce reckonings with political opponents are to be expected. Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen is therefore making an appeal to politicians.

The upcoming election year makes it necessary to "pause for a moment", he warned in a letter circulated on social media, particularly to the political parties, without mentioning them by name. However, anyone and everyone can feel addressed.

"We" and "the others"
Van der Bellen addressed the letter to the population "as Federal President, as a citizen, as a fellow human being". During Ash Wednesday speeches, he said, there was more and more talk about "the others", who were made fun of and looked down on, while he himself - "we" - were among the good guys. He also addressed the fact that he himself was always "the other", i.e. the target of political attacks.

"Would you say that directly to the person?"
Regardless of whether you are giving a speech in front of thousands of people, spreading a rumor among friends or making a joke at the expense of others, you should stop and think: "Would you say that directly to the person in question and look them in the eye? Are you harming this person by doing so?" the President appealed.

You should also consider whether you are hurting someone with your words and whether you have checked the truth of a rumor before spreading it. "We all have it in our hands how good the atmosphere is between us, how trusting or how poisoned. We all bear responsibility for the well-being of our society," emphasized Van der Bellen.

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen

Speeches in Upper Austria, Carinthia, Styria
The call comes just in time before the FPÖ, ÖVP and SPÖ celebrate their political carnival party in the evening. The Blue Party is launching its 31st verbal all-round attack in Ried in Upper Austria, the Turquoise Party is returning to the Messearena in Klagenfurt and the Red Party is going to the Zechnerhalle in Kobenz in Styria this evening.

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl will be accompanied by Upper Austrian party chairman Manfred Haimbuchner at his appearance in front of around 2000 supporters in the Rieder Jahnturnhalle. However, cultural-political counter-events such as the "Standing together against the right" demonstration or a "Solidarity together" in the foundry are also scheduled for Ash Wednesday in Ried.

For the Klagenfurt Messearena, the ÖVP has invited not only Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, but also the former German Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) to speak to an audience of around 1000. Styrian MP Max Lercher, who as usual organizes the red event, brought the party leadership around Andreas Babler to the Zechnerhalle for 550 comrades.

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