In favor of retaining cash

“Discriminatory”: NGOs reject asylum payment card

06.02.2024 16:08

The payment card for asylum seekers recently launched by ÖVP Interior Minister Gerhard Karner, based on the German model, has met with little approval from NGOs. Rejection came from Caritas Secretary General Anna Parr, for example, who criticized it as "stigmatizing and discriminatory".

Diakonie Director Maria Katharina Moser also finds the discussion dispensable: for days, people have been discussing a problem "that doesn't exist".

Cash for asylum seekers
Without cash, asylum seekers would be excluded from some areas, Parr argued to Kathpress: "This is paternalism and also a restriction of independence, which also reduces integration into our society." In addition, cash would be "indispensable" for many areas of public life, such as school trips or shopping at flea markets or in smaller stores.

The payment card should help to significantly reduce the number of asylum seekers in Germany. The proposal is now also being hotly debated in Germany. (Bild: APA, Krone KREATIV)
The payment card should help to significantly reduce the number of asylum seekers in Germany. The proposal is now also being hotly debated in Germany.

"Purely party-politically motivated strategy"
Parr cannot understand the argument that this would prevent remittances to home countries. After all, the amount of benefits received is far too low. Moser also took the same line. The amounts were so small that asylum seekers would not be able to send anything home. Moser saw the debate as a "purely party-politically motivated strategy".

ÖVP states in favor, SPÖ states against
Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) had also opened the discussion in Austria based on the plans for a payment card for refugees in Germany. The Minister of the Interior also has a procedure in mind here that would restrict access to cash benefits. Support for this has come from the black-led states, for example. The red states are opposed.
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