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World Games Day: Win new products from Ravensburger

27.05.2024 08:44

May 28th is World Games Day! To mark the occasion, we want to introduce you to new games from Ravensburger that will provide plenty of entertainment for family and friends. Our KronePLUS subscribers can now also win these game highlights!

For International World Games Day on May 28, Ravensburger is contributing new games for young and old: Because playing not only brings people together, but is also important for children's development. The International Toy Library Association launched the day exactly 25 years ago in 1999 to draw attention to the importance of play for children.


Even if today we usually think of computer and console games first when we think of games, board games, card games and other board games are a great diversion when playing with friends and family. The new game highlights from Ravensburger are no exception.

Garden crooks - 1, 2, 3 - Who's sneaking past?
The raccoons sneak quietly through the garden from back to front. They try to steal tasty morsels from the garbage can. But don't let the gardener catch them! He slowly calls out: "1, 2, 3 - who's sneaking past?". The crooks only have time to quickly hide behind the next bush in the direction of the house. But don't let anything wobble when the gardener looks suspiciously through the window! He collects a raccoon token for every thief he catches. And that's exactly what you have to avoid, because the little rascals want to secure some for themselves. Will they manage to grab a few treats on the way and snatch the garbage can at the house without being seen?

A fun and entertaining game for two to four players aged six and up. (Bild: Ravensburger)
A fun and entertaining game for two to four players aged six and up.

Overtaking, throwing out, swapping places and much more - fun and trouble often go hand in hand in HIT. This board game for the whole family requires luck as well as tactics and strategy: who will get their four pieces to the finish line first and use the cleverest card combinations? Instead of a dice, everyone has their own deck of cards, which gets stronger and stronger as you buy additional cards. Whoever gets their pieces to the finish line first wins the game.

Fast-paced fun for two to four players aged eight and up. (Bild: Ravensburger)
Fast-paced fun for two to four players aged eight and up.

The Three ??? Labyrinth - Team Edition
A new case for the three ???! In this cooperative labyrinth, the three detectives and a supporter work together to investigate art thief Victor Hugenay. He has struck again in Rocky Beach and stolen the most popular covers of The Three ??? cases. Round after round, the players leaf through a Die drei ??? book to find out what obstacles he is putting in their way. Will they manage to make good use of their skills, cleverly move the walls and find all the stolen cover illustrations in the maze before the last page of the book is turned?

Another exciting version of Labyrinth for all mystery fans. For two to four players aged eight and up. (Bild: 2016 team dv GmbH all rights reserved)
Another exciting version of Labyrinth for all mystery fans. For two to four players aged eight and up.

Take part & win
To mark World Games Day, we are giving away 3 x 1 copy of the new game highlights from Ravensburger to all KronePLUS subscribers who take part in our competition. Simply fill in the form below, select the game you want and you're in! The closing date for entries is May 29, 2024, 9 a.m.

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