Hundreds of fans celebrated

Turkish league victory: rush to Reumannplatz

26.05.2024 22:13

Reumannplatz in Vienna-Favoriten has been in the headlines several times recently. On Sunday evening, the celebrations there were boisterous but peaceful, as described by a "Krone" reader reporter. Hundreds of Austro-Turks took over the square to cheer on the soccer club Galatasaray Istanbul, who were crowned Turkish champions for the 24th time.

Only in the final round of the Süper Lig were the defending champions Galatasaray able to secure first place. They won 3:1 at Konyaspor to maintain their three-point lead over city rivals Fenerbahçe. The runners-up won 6-0 against relegated Istanbulspor, but could only have knocked Galatasaray off top spot if the record champions had lost at the end of the season.

The celebrations at Reumannplatz in Vienna were exuberant. (Bild: Leserreporter)
The celebrations at Reumannplatz in Vienna were exuberant.

After the end of the league there was no holding back in the Favoriten district of Vienna, hundreds of Austro-Turks stormed Reumannplatz. There they celebrated, danced and sang fan songs. A gigantic banner of the traditional Istanbul club was unfurled and dominated the square.

Warnings against "irrelevant" flags and speeches
"The atmosphere was very peaceful," described a reader reporter for the "Krone". Most of the fans had adhered to the rules. Warnings had been issued beforehand "so that no irrelevant flags or speeches were held". There was only one Fenerbahçe fan who wanted to cause trouble. "But he was stopped before there were any problems," said the reader reporter.

"It's always been like this"
Muhammed Yüksek, SPÖ district councillor in Favoriten and himself an ardent Galatasaray fan, was at Reumannplatz and joined in the celebrations. Even if Fenerbahçe had won, there would have been celebrations at Reumannplatz. "It's always been like this, even in my youth," he wrote on X.

Police showed presence
Numerous police officers were on duty, showing their presence at every corner of the square. Due to the bad weather, the celebrating community dispersed early - at the same time, a thunderstorm was approaching Vienna.

By 9.30 p.m., the exuberant celebrations were already over again, as Yüksek wrote in a photo of the empty square.

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