Golf world stands still

US pro Grayson Murray passes away at the age of 30!

25.05.2024 23:07

On Friday, professional golfer Grayson Murray had abandoned the second round of the PGA Tour tournament in Fort Worth two holes before the end due to indisposition. The American, who had had alcohol problems and depression for years, died yesterday. The cause of death was not disclosed.

Murray won two PGA Tour tournaments and was still celebrating his victory at the Sony Open in Hawaii in January. Now he is dead. The PGA Tour announced on its X-Channel: "We were devastated to learn and are heartbroken to announce that PGA TOUR player Grayson Murray passed away this morning."

Alcohol problems and depression
Murray had serious alcohol problems for many years and also suffered from depression. In 2021, he made his illness public on social media. The PGA Tour also explained: "We are a family, and when you lose a family member, you are never the same again. We mourn the loss of Grayson and pray for comfort for his loved ones. We contacted Grayson's parents to offer our deepest condolences, and during that conversation they asked us to continue with tournament play. They insisted that this was what Grayson would have wanted."

"In a way, it was the monster in me"
In 2017, the American won the Barbasol Championship in his very first professional year. Many years later, he confessed that he played three days hungover at this tournament. Murray: "The best and worst thing that ever happened to me was winning in my rookie year. I think the alcohol brought out a side of me that wasn't me. In a way, it was the monster in me."

A year ago, he successfully withdrew from alcohol, explaining at the time: "I've been sober for over eight months now. I have a beautiful fiancée who I love very much and who supports me so much, and my parents support me so much."

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read the original article here.

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