After a serious accident

Miracle in the USA: “Brain-dead” boy (3) wakes up

26.05.2024 06:03

On Tuesday, little Levi (3) had an accident while playing. There was little hope that the boy would wake up from his coma. Three days later, a sheer miracle happened.

At around 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Levi Wright crashed his toy tractor into a river near the town of Milford in the US state of Utah. A rescuer pulled him out of the water and immediately initiated life-saving measures with the alerted first responders. The team spent almost an hour resuscitating Levi. Rescue workers immediately took the son of US rodeo star Spencer Wright to a Salt Lake City hospital. However, after several examinations, the doctors there declared him brain dead - his brain had allegedly been without oxygen for too long.

Parents already wanted to turn off the machines
"There's no turning back now," his mother Kallie Wright announced on social media on Wednesday. "We can't be selfish and drag this out for days, he doesn't deserve that. Shortly we will be taking him off life support and holding him until his last breath on earth."

Levi before the accident, happy at play (Bild: Kallie Wright, Krone KREATIV)
Levi before the accident, happy at play

Activity with dinosaur noises
However, on the advice of a young doctor, the parents waited. The reason: the doctor had detected activity on the monitor that registered Levi's brain waves. "It happened when we played him the dinosaur sounds from one of his favorite books," reveals a family friend, "and then again when his mom kissed him." So his parents and doctor decided to give Levi more time.

And that's when the miracle happened: the three-year-old woke up. "He got a bit wild, so we had to calm him down again," said the mother, beside herself with joy. Levi continues to show signs of improvement, but remains under intensive monitoring as doctors are still unable to assess his long-term recovery.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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