Charge in Klagenfurt

Attacked by a drunk during clean-up work

25.05.2024 09:21

It was the first after-work market of this year that took place in Klagenfurt on Friday - and unfortunately it ended with a bitter aftertaste for a few employees. They were mobbed by a drunk and attacked with glass bottles during the clean-up.

Late on Friday evening, a 25-year-old from the St. Veit district was working with several colleagues to clean up the Benediktinermarkt in Klagenfurt after the previous after-work market. "During this time, he was verbally provoked and insulted by an unknown man of foreign origin who spoke broken German," the police said.

The 25-year-old ignored the hostility and continued his work. The stranger then hit him on the head with a glass bottle, knocking him to the ground. The perpetrator then fled.

Woman also attacked with glass bottle
"Around five minutes later, the suspect came back again and, according to witnesses on the scene, again sought a confrontation. He became irascible again, insulted the people present in a southern accent and threw a glass bottle at a 19-year-old female colleague of the victim, injuring the Klagenfurt woman on her right leg," said an officer. The attacker then fled again on foot in the direction of the city center.

In the course of an immediate manhunt, the fugitive was stopped a short time later by a police patrol and provisionally arrested. A breathalyzer test revealed that he was moderately intoxicated. The 29-year-old, a Moroccan living in Klagenfurt, did not confess. He was reported to the police.

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