"Transformers" look

Very bizarre! Lady Gaga wore car part at premiere

24.05.2024 12:12

As we all know, taste is debatable. But the outfit Lady Gaga wore on Thursday at the premiere of her HBO concert film "Gaga Chromatica Ball" was pretty bizarre. True to the motto: "Transformers meet fashion", the singer wore a car part outfit.

Admittedly, Lady Gaga has long been known for her quirky appearances. She once walked the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards in the legendary meat dress or was carried to the Grammy Awards in an alien egg.

"I am not a mechanic"
On Thursday, the 38-year-old, who has increasingly focused on glamorous appearances in recent years, surprised everyone with a very bizarre look from the Selva brand at the premiere of her concert film. Over a white dress, the Oscar winner had strapped on a piece that looked like a piece of a car body.

She revealed on Instagram: "On the red carpet, I told them it was a car part. They asked what part it was and I said I don't know, I'm not a mechanic."

Gaga loves her outfit
Gaga also told "Access Hollywood" on the red carpet that she didn't know how heavy her outfit actually was. "I didn't weigh it before I put it on, but I really love it," she smiled. "It's super industrial and interesting."

The singer paired her white "Transformers" outfit with black hair with very short bangs and bleached eyebrows. Orange eyeshadow and red lipstick rounded off the futuristic look.

Later, Lady Gaga slipped into another outfit, this time all black, consisting of a lace jacket with hood, dress and eye mask.

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