120th goal

Reus: Dream free-kick goal makes dream farewell perfect

18.05.2024 16:21

It was a bit cheesy. Marco Reus had one last chance to shine as a goalscorer on his much-acclaimed last appearance in black and yellow. And in a way worth seeing.

The atmosphere in the Dortmund stadium was already dominating during the warm-up on Saturday. Legend Marco Reus was celebrated at every opportunity before the home game against Darmstadt, honored and sent alone by his teammates in front of the legendary south stand to receive the applause he deserved.

Hero of the afternoon
Then, during the match, his colleagues tried everything to put the noble angler in the limelight. He was repeatedly sought out and played on. Then, in the 38th minute, the crowning moment of a fairytale: a free-kick on the edge of the penalty area, Reus grabs the ball on the half-left, skilfully curls the ball over the wall and straight into the goal. The goal makes it 2:0, Marco Reus' 120th Bundesliga goal in total. A dream goal for a dream farewell.

Emotional substitution
Marco Reus was the hero of the afternoon. The real emotional highlight of Saturday came in the 81st minute. Marco Reus was substituted - and celebrated by over 80,000 fans. The team formed a guard of honor, Reus marched through, clapped with his teammates - and then visibly fought back tears. Coach Edin Teric hugged his now ex-captain. Moving moments for a living legend in black and yellow.

Incidentally, the final score was 4:0 for Dortmund. Because in addition to Reus, Maatsen (30'), Brandt (72') and Malen (88') also scored.

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