Villach summer

Dredging in front of the town hall and surfing on the Drau!

24.04.2024 14:02

Sports, culture, culinary delights and tradition as summer highlights! The town of Villach has come up with some great ideas to attract visitors to the Drau town!

In the style of Udo Jürgen's song "Die Sonne und Du", Villach presents itself with more events than ever before during the summer months "The new slogan 'Villach, the summer and YOU' perfectly describes the attitude to life in Villach and we want to convey this," explains Pierre Bechler from City Marketing.

Surfing, dredging and culinary delights
The program offers tried and tested highlights such as Draupuls, traditional markets and the Spektrum theater festival as well as many new features. For example, the town hall square becomes a beach volleyball court and you can even surf on the Drau. The popular street food markets will also be integrated into the summer program. A two-day festival is planned.

The European Championship public viewing with the BBQ festival is also a fixture this year. "Villach has also gone its own way here. We offer a soccer atmosphere in our idyllic guest gardens," reports Mayor Günther Albel proudly.

City gets spruced up for summer
The summer will also be reflected in the decoration of the city center. The colorful umbrellas in Lederergasse will be renewed and lanterns will be hung in 10. Oktober Straße and Unterer Kirchenplatz. The characteristic lampshades will also be on display in the city again.

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