Ukraine transit ends

Austria’s industry still needs Russian gas

22.04.2024 14:03

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) is urging politicians to enter into negotiations with Ukraine on the continuation of gas supplies from Russia beyond the end of the year. Industry still needs the gas - at least until a gas connection in Upper Austria is completed. However, Ukraine's current contract with Russia expires on December 31 ...

"Politicians must act," said IV Secretary General Christoph Neumayer on Monday. Should Russian gas fail to materialize, gas prices could rise by 70 percent - not yet taking into account major short-term market-related fluctuations. The inflation rate could rise by 2.5 percentage points and the gross domestic product could fall by two percent, Neumayer painted drastic consequences on the wall. "We need a consortium that is able to secure the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine."

Industry: "Then the announcement is over"
In view of Russia's war of aggression, Ukraine will no longer organize the transit of gas. In order for companies to continue using the physically intact gas pipelines that were not destroyed during the war, political negotiations with the Ukrainian government are needed. Because "if Ukraine wants to, then it turns off the gas tap and it's closed, end of message".

A worker in Volovets in western Ukraine (Bild: AP)
A worker in Volovets in western Ukraine

This is a political decision. Four countries are particularly dependent on Russian gas - Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia in addition to Austria.

New pipeline not ready until 2027
During an informal meeting with the Ukrainian energy minister in Vienna, there were "nuances" - in contrast to the hard and unyielding official stance - according to Neumayer, turning off the gas tap was presented as an "option". It is clear to everyone that both Ukraine and Russia have an interest in the revenue associated with gas transit to Europe.

"But it has to be made politically possible." Austria's economy needs gas from Russia, at least until the expansion of the 40-kilometre WAG pipeline, which runs through Upper Austria and improves gas transfer via Germany, is completed - which is currently not expected until 2027.
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