Food, cosmetics etc.

Trade in shark products now largely prohibited

22.04.2024 12:07

The trade and processing of sharks and shark products is only permitted in Austria in exceptional cases. Anyone who does not comply with this will face heavy fines or up to two years in prison.

The entry into force of a regulation by the Ministry of the Environment has sealed the end "for questionable cosmetics, sexual enhancers, shark fin soup and shark steaks" in this country. According to project manager Gabriela Futterknecht, shark curls and shark fin soup, for example, are common in Austrian gastronomy. "Austria even ranks fifth in Europe when it comes to shark meat imports," said the species conservation organization Sharkproject in a press release. In addition, shark components are discovered in cosmetics, food supplements and sexual enhancers, "often without correct labeling and consumer information."

Motion for a resolution tabled
Species conservationists turned to the parliamentary parties in 2022, who tabled a motion for a resolution in December. The new regulation now provides for penalties for the import and processing of shark meat, as well as for the import of shark bites and similar "souvenirs". Those who do not comply with the new regulations will face fines of up to 40,000 euros and prison sentences of up to two years.

Requiem sharks such as reef sharks, blue sharks and bull sharks are explicitly mentioned. Mako sharks, whale sharks and great white sharks are also specially protected. Individual official import permits are required for an exception.

A whitetip reef shark (Bild:
A whitetip reef shark

Global population in decline
The background to the regulation is that the sea creatures are to be protected from extinction. Over the past 50 years, the global population has declined by more than 70 percent. "Sharks are an indispensable part of a functioning marine ecosystem on which over a billion people worldwide are directly dependent. Sharkproject would like to thank Climate and Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler, the sponsors of the motion for a resolution in Parliament and in particular Lukas Hammer, Member of the National Council and Chairman of the Environment Committee, for their active commitment to shark conservation," said the conservation organization. It hopes that other European countries will follow their example.
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