Discrimination against older people?

Wrong policy paths through the digital jungle

17.04.2024 09:00

Don't have a smartphone? No internet? "Then we're sorry, because only those who keep up with the times receive funding" - age discrimination and its background.

Such devastating responses from the authorities hit senior citizens right in the heart. "This is absolute cheek! Are we second-class citizens?" asks a pensioner from the district of Jennersdorf.

Bonus only digital
Many Burgenlanders are currently being forced to upgrade to modern heating. In view of climate change and the threat of supply bottlenecks, they want to say goodbye to fossil fuels once and for all. The repair bonus, the renovation bonus and the "Get out of oil and gas" campaign are designed to help environmentally conscious citizens, but can only be applied for digitally.

Member of parliament draws attention
SPÖ Member of the National Council Christian Drobits drew attention to this "unacceptable weakness in the system" at an early stage. Citizens of the older generations are particularly affected.

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In a world where you need an app for almost everything, the federal government has apparently forgotten that not every citizen leads a life dictated by their cell phone and the Internet.

Nationalratsabgeordneter Christian Drobits

Excluding no one?
In his renewed criticism, Drobits refers to statements by Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), according to which digitalization has priority in all areas of life, but the analogue path should continue to be followed so as not to exclude anyone. "These words must be followed by concrete action," said Drobits, reiterating his call for equal rights for all age groups.

Access for all
The SPÖ consumer protection spokesperson is also annoyed by the need for a cell phone signature, ID Austria or a citizen card to apply for certain subsidies. Access to state benefits and subsidies must be guaranteed for everyone, regardless of technical affinity or knowledge of how to use digital proof of identity.

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