Glawischnig critical

“The traffic light government has done everything wrong”

17.04.2024 16:00

In the current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig on, one of the topics discussed was the work of the current traffic light government in Germany. Eva Glawischnig is disillusioned: "The traffic light government in Germany has certainly done everything wrong that can be done wrong.

Olaf Scholz is down ten percent in the current polls. The FDP is out of the Bundestag altogether. So they really are out. Only the Greens are halfway stable. And the AfD is the party with the most votes everywhere, especially in the new federal states. We will see a huge upheaval in Germany in next year's elections. What Olaf Scholz is currently experiencing in Germany is the same as for the ÖVP in Austria: a mega-crash as chancellor." Mölzer emphasizes: "It is certainly the case that those in power are punished in the opinion of the citizens, that is clear for once. Scholz, who is seen as a hesitant, prudent person who slows down, is not rewarded for this because he doesn't decide anything. All in all, this traffic light is also a deterrent example for Austria of how things could continue here after the next election."

Three-party constellation not feasible

The approval ratings of the German population for traffic lights are dramatically poor. Glawischnig: "So it obviously doesn't work to bring three different party interests together under one roof and then come up with something constructive." However, there are also positive lessons to be learned from Germany: "I think we can also learn something from this. I think it's smarter to allow others to succeed in such constellations. So not to ruin everything for each other."

In another point of discussion, the danger of a possible third world war was also discussed against the backdrop of the Iranian attack on Israel. You can see the respective stances of the two duelists on this and other political topics in the video above.
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