Curious excuse

Freeway racer (23) fled from police at 190 km/h

14.04.2024 11:00

Because he wanted to flee from a police patrol on the Inntal highway on Saturday evening, a Bosnian man (23) stepped on the gas in his car and sped off at a whopping 190 km/h. He overtook numerous vehicles on the right and left the emergency lane. He overtook numerous vehicles on the right and on the emergency lane. He was caught a short time later. His excuse was curious.

The wild pursuit started on Saturday evening at around 7.30 pm in Jenbach. There, the 23-year-old Bosnian was noticed by a patrol from the Wiesing highway police department. During the speed measurement, he sped past at 126 km/h instead of the permitted 100 km/h.

Fleeing from the highway onto a forest road
The officers gave chase and tried to stop the vehicle. When the driver noticed the police with their siren and flashing blue lights, he stepped on the gas and accelerated up to 190 km/h. On his escape, he drove on the emergency lane and overtook numerous vehicles on the right.

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The reason given by the driver for his escape was that he was not in possession of a driving license, as this had been revoked.

Die Polizei

He then left the highway at the Schwaz exit and fled via the municipal roads of Stans and Vomp. There, too, he drove too fast several times. Finally, the vehicle and driver were found on a forest road in Stans. His excuse for fleeing was curious: "The driver stated that the reason for his escape was that he did not have a driving license, as this had been withdrawn from him," according to the police. He will be charged.

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