Disappeared without a trace

Two families desperately searching for father and brother

11.04.2024 17:33

Three missing persons cases have kept the police in Upper Austria busy over the past few days, but so far only one of them has ended well. In Gmunden, a missing 59-year-old man was quickly found, but in Linz and Steyr two men disappeared from the face of the earth independently of each other.

At around 10.10 pm on Wednesday, the police in Gmunden received a report that a 59-year-old man, dressed only in a nightshirt, had been missing from a care facility in Gmunden since 8 pm. Police helicopters with thermal imaging cameras, police drones and police service dogs were called in. A large-scale search operation then began. In the end, the missing man was found alive but hypothermic by the fire department in Krottenseestraße at around 2.20 am. After first aid, he was taken to Vöcklabruck Hospital.

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As law enforcement officers, we are always happy when a missing person case ends well. The uncertainty is very stressful for the relatives.

(Bild: Kerschbaummayr Werner)

Fritz Stadlmayr, Sprecher der Polizei OÖ

Of a completely different nature
The case of Reinhold G. ( 44), on the other hand, is completely different. The Linz employee was last seen in the Eurospar branch in Kleinmünchen on Monday evening at around 7pm. Since then he has disappeared without a trace. His sister Kathrin has started a search on Facebook: "His cell phone and expired passport are in his apartment, he has his wallet with him. It's not like my brother to just disappear. We are very worried."

Help requested
A family in Steyr is also worried and is asking for help on Facebook: "There has been no trace of our father since 6.4.2024 around 8 pm! He lives in 4400 Steyr/Münichholz. He is 55 years old and about 175 cm tall, usually wears sunglasses, white sneakers, jeans pants and a hooded sweatshirt. His cell phone is off and he can never be found in the apartment. He is rarely seen outside of Steyr."
Please contact the police on 059133 40 3333.

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