Young people have a hard time

Social skills as the key to a good working environment

07.04.2024 07:00

An entrepreneur shows what young people lack in the world of work. 1656 Carinthians under 25 are currently unemployed.

Why is it that so many young people can't get their foot in the door to the world of work? Or don't want to? As reported, 1656 Carinthians under the age of 25 are currently unemployed - an increase of 23.6 percent! "This is not because the younger generation is lazy," says Daniel Heinrici, who works with his company phx GmbH in companies with young employees, among others. "Today's business world is not made for young people - they don't feel listened to or taken seriously. Naturally, they don't feel like working," says the Klagenfurt native to "Krone".

Daniel Heinrici during an interactive workshop. (Bild: zBg)
Daniel Heinrici during an interactive workshop.

There is a lack of interpersonal skills
He and his business partner David Mühlthaler gained their experience working with top managers all over the world - from America to Turkey and the East. What they noticed: "Managers are usually highly trained in their field, but many lack the right interpersonal skills and methods," explains Heinrici. "Yet this is the key to a functioning working world!"

This is precisely why there is currently so much interest in acquiring social skills: "That's why we teach apprentices and young workers conflict management, stress resistance and effective communication," says the entrepreneur, who also holds workshops in schools. After all, where the working environment and interactions are right, young employees also feel comfortable. Incidentally, 75 percent of such offers are also subsidized by the Chamber of Commerce.

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