Most beautiful hiking routes

Idyllic landscape between Sulzberg and Allgäu

05.04.2024 11:25

A beautiful, moderately difficult tour leads through the border region between Sulzberg and the Allgäu. A highlight is the two-stage Eibele waterfall right on the state border.

Eibele in the Weißachtal valley is part of the municipality of Oberstaufen in the Bavarian-Swabian district of Oberallgäu. The place name is derived from the Middle High German word for "small meadow; small water-rich land" and refers to the Eibele stream and the Weißach river, which flow through the gently undulating landscape. Today, Eibele is mainly a vacation village and the German-Austrian border with Sulzberg (Bregenzerwald) runs to the west of the small village.

Tips and information

Type: Half-day tour
Requirements: not difficult in terms of terrain, but as the route is just over ten kilometers long, a good basic level of fitness is an advantage
Starting point: village center (near the church), Sulzberg
Equipment: walking/hiking shoes with good tread soles, rucksack with food and drink, clothing suitable for the weather (plus rain/sun protection)
Refreshment stops: Farm store (en route), inns in Sulzberg

This is also the starting point for the half-day tour to the Eibele waterfall with beautiful views of the Weißachtal valley: From the center of Sulzberg, head north following the signs to "Hochsträß". After a good 15 minutes, you have the opportunity to turn off at the "Zehrers Stadel" kiosk onto the forest path, which is a little more varied than the gravel road. You will finally reach the old border guards' cottage on the Hochsträß hill. Then follow the signs in the direction of "Lindengschwend/Gullenbach/Eibele".

Colorful flowers and a choir of birdsong
The path initially continues through the forest. Marsh marigolds, wood anemones, sweet-scented marsh violets and intermittent spleenwort thrive in large numbers on the moist, humus-rich soil. A chorus of birdsong - the distinctive "laughter" of the woodpecker - echoes through the rows of trees. After the Lindengschwend parcel, the trail descends to the right, offering a wonderful view of the Weißachtal valley.

The alternate-leaved spleenwort. (Bild: Bergauer)
The alternate-leaved spleenwort.

The alternate-leaved spleenwort

Alternate-leaved spleenwort, also known as golden spleenwort or scabious spleenwort, belongs to the saxifrage family. The plant forms loose colonies through long, underground runners. The flowers are inconspicuous nectar-bearing disk flowers. The showy effect is created by the golden-yellow bracts; the flowering period extends from March to May. The seeds of the plant spread as a rain ballist - this means that they are propelled out of the capsule fruits by raindrops. Ants also help to spread the seeds. The spleenwort prefers shady and damp areas in forests and along riverbanks. In the past, the plant was used in folk medicine for spleen complaints, hence its name.

The Weißach has its source to the west of Immenstadt and crosses the border into Austria at Aach. Between Langenegg and Doren, the river finally flows into the Bregenzer Ache. The area of the district of Oberallgäu comprises alpine and pre-alpine terrain, in which there are also ten nature reserves. The landscape is characterized by extensive meadows and snow-covered mountain peaks in the background. Farmsteads are scattered between the villages and you hike alternately on narrow roads, meadow paths and gravel paths towards your destination.

Finally, the roar of the Eibele waterfall can be heard. For thousands of years, the water at this point has flowed with great force over the edge of the terrain made of hard Nagelfluh rock. Over the course of time, the layers of sandstone or marl downstream have been eroded further and further - the force of the water has thus created an impressive, two-tiered waterfall.

The two-tiered waterfall in the Eibele parcel. (Bild: Bergauer)
The two-tiered waterfall in the Eibele parcel.

Not far from the natural spectacle is a small reservoir fed by the Eibele stream. This body of water also forms the border between the Allgäu and Vorarlberg. You can cross the border by walking over the small bridge. For the way back to Sulzberg, you now have to accept an ascent of around 300 meters in altitude: First you follow the road for a short distance and then via Mühleholz to Hermannsberg. Shortly after the chapel there, turn right and follow the path across idyllic pastures back to the starting point.

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