Missing girl

Two-year-old from Serbia actually in Vienna

03.04.2024 15:01

A little girl, just under two years old, who has been missing in Serbia since last week, was "very probably" spotted at a streetcar stop in Vienna, it was reported on Wednesday afternoon - but the footage did not show the child they were looking for. The LKA Vienna is still investigating at full speed.

As reported, little Danka had suddenly disappeared from her parents' garden near the city of Bor. This was followed by a large-scale search operation and an Interpol appeal with a photo.

The search request from Interpol (Bild: www.interpol.int, Krone KREATIV)
The search request from Interpol

Then a first tip-off from Vienna: the missing girl could have been seen at the Schottenring streetcar stop. The suspicion was initially confirmed by the police - a witness claimed to have recognized the toddler accompanied by two women and had taken a video.

After viewing the footage by relatives, including the mother of the missing girl, the police also assumed that it was "highly likely" that the girl in question was from Serbia.

The search for Danka from Serbia is in full swing. (Bild: MysteryShot/stock.adobe.com; www.interpol.int, Krone KREATIV)
The search for Danka from Serbia is in full swing.

"Wish they would find the child"
But it was a case of mistaken identity, as it turned out on Wednesday evening. The website kosmo.at reported that the women in the video from Vienna had "no links to the criminal milieu" and also "nothing to do with the abduction of the child".

One of the women in the video was quoted as saying: "That's me with my daughter! It's not Danka! (...) I am a mother, I feel for the child from Serbia and I wish they would find her." The police initially "sent her away", but later came to her home and apologized. Nevertheless, the women are to be questioned by the State Criminal Police Office later today.

"Clearly and without doubt"
The Vienna police withdrew the photo search on Thursday morning. "There is no doubt that this is not the missing girl," said police spokesman Matthias Schuster. The Vienna Criminal Police Office is still investigating on suspicion of child abduction.

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