Police looking for witnesses

Unknown speeding driver killed pedestrian and fled

31.03.2024 18:37

At around 2.30 p.m. on Easter Sunday, an elderly couple wanted to cross the B3 near Abwinden (municipality of Luftenberg). Suddenly a car came speeding along, hit the woman in front (86) and fatally injured her. Horrifyingly, the driver did not stop and hit and ran. The police are now urgently looking for a dark-colored Audi that may have been damaged in the front right-hand area.

The 86-year-old woman from St. Georgen an der Gusen wanted to cross the B3 from the Abwinden power station together with her husband at around 2.30 p.m. on Sunday. After both had made sure that no vehicles were approaching, they set off. The woman was about one meter ahead of her husband when a car suddenly came roaring along at high speed from the right (coming from the direction of Mauthausen) in the 70 km/h zone.

A maximum speed of 70 km/h is permitted in this zone (Bild: Matthias Lauber/laumat.at)
A maximum speed of 70 km/h is permitted in this zone

Resuscitation attempts
The husband tried to warn the 86-year-old, but unfortunately it was too late. The pedestrian was rammed and thrown onto the opposite carriageway in the direction of the B3 junction "Im Fall".

Witnesses and local residents - including paramedics - immediately rushed to the victim's aid and began resuscitation attempts. However, the emergency doctor who arrived shortly afterwards was unfortunately only able to determine her death due to her serious injuries.

The scene of the accident in Abwinden (municipality of Luftenberg) (Bild: laumat.at/Matthias Lauber)
The scene of the accident in Abwinden (municipality of Luftenberg)

Dark Audi wanted
The driver who caused the accident simply drove off without stopping. Investigations at the scene of the accident revealed that the getaway vehicle was a dark Audi A5.

Damaged bumper and headlights
The front right-hand side of the bumper was probably damaged, as parts of the bumper and headlights were left behind at the scene of the accident. These were seized and subjected to a criminal investigation and forensics in order to obtain further information about the vehicle.

Witnesses who can provide information on the getaway vehicle and parts of the license plate are urgently requested to contact the St. Georgen an der Gusen police station on 059133/4327-100.

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