"Krone" commentary

“Burping” to woo voters

28.03.2024 16:00

The election campaign in Innsbruck is in full swing. Claus Meinert, editor-in-chief of the Tyrolean "Krone", has an idea in his commentary a good three weeks before the vote on how to attract attention. He looks in the direction of Tirol Werbung.

There are still around 18 days to go before the election in Innsbruck. Apart from a few posters that have just been discovered on a lamppost and have already been removed from it, the election campaign is still going on. Perhaps one or two candidates could have taken inspiration from Tirol Werbung or an agency commissioned by it. Tips on how to really stand out and become a talking point without saying much.

For example, go "permanently rattling" in Maria-Theresien-Straße to catch votes. The first person on the list starts, followed by the others in a row and finally - for the finale furioso, so to speak - the canon is "belched" so loudly that the Tyrol department store is shaken. But no. Instead - yawn, boring - the same old election gifts are handed out. Sweets, balloons, pens, lighters, soaps, wooden spoons, beer mats (burp) and so on. The only difference is that one person takes them out of a jute sack, while the other uses a trolley to transport the gifts through the city.

And what about the election promises? Almost everyone says that housing must become cheaper. But this is where the Greens are backing out. It would be strange if they promised the same thing after having been mayor for six years with Georg Willi. Their message is something completely new, something that has never been said before in any election campaign in Austria: "We must prevent a black-blue coalition in Innsbruck." Belch!

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