Prostate weakens

When men constantly have to go to the toilet at night

28.03.2024 15:00

Anyone who has to go to the toilet twice or more times a night instead of finding peace and quiet could be suffering from nocturia, the nightly urge to urinate. This severely disturbs your sleep and also makes your days a misery as you are tormented by severe tiredness. Partnerships are also put to the test. But there is help!

Nocturia mainly occurs in older people and is often thought to be a harmless symptom of old age. However, there is sometimes a disease behind it, which should definitely be clarified by a doctor.

The prostate is enlarged
The cause of nocturnal disturbances in men is often an enlarged prostate. This condition is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and is a common age-related problem in "him".

Men shy away from the urologist
Other symptoms can include: difficulty urinating, such as hesitant or weak urination, an urgent need to urinate, incomplete bladder emptying and frequent urinary tract infections. However, men in particular do not consult a urologist, or only do so very late, despite suffering a great deal.

Various treatment methods
There is help! Above all, the lifestyle should be changed. This includes limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, avoiding excessive drinking before going to bed and regular physical activity.

Medication can provide relief
Various medications also help to relax the muscles around the prostate or reduce the size of the prostate gland. Some men help themselves with herbal remedies such as saw palmetto or pumpkin. Sometimes surgery is helpful. There are already a number of gentle methods available today.

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