Expensive access roads

Anger over “double” bill for residents

26.03.2024 08:58

A nasty surprise for residents in a housing estate in Parndorf. They have to bear the costs for the new driveways themselves - even though they had no say in the matter.

The air is thick in the tranquil Zieselweg and Distelweg housing estate in Parndorf: after the road, green spaces and driveways to the houses had been built there, the residents had received and paid an invoice for the residents' services last year. Recently, however, the residents received another letter from the municipality.

"Never commissioned"
The letter stated that the costs for driveways wider than three meters and for each additional driveway were to be borne by the residents themselves. This is now causing trouble. The residents believed that they had already made their contribution. The fact that wider and additional driveways are to be paid for by the residents themselves was never communicated, says one of those affected. What's more, the residents were not even asked how wide the driveways should be or whether they needed a second one. The construction company simply built them at will, says the family man. "Nobody commissioned that." Now they are supposed to pay for something they didn't order. That is why lawyers and the Ombudsman's Office have been called in.

Driveways are to be torn away again
Mayor Wolfgang Kovacs admits that something went wrong with the communication. Previously, it had been customary for residents to settle the costs for such "additional areas" directly with the construction company. This time, the municipality had paid the total bill. Whether and what had been agreed for the driveways was no longer clear. However, there had been some verbal agreements regarding the additional driveways. According to the mayor, 40 houses are affected, most of which have already paid. However, no one is obliged to pay and no reminders or legal action will be taken. If payment is not made, the driveway will be reduced to three meters or the additional driveway will be removed.

Additional costs due to removal
This is causing renewed anger among residents. Because in addition to the costs for the construction, there are now the costs for the removal - at the expense of the taxpayers, criticizes the family man. At the same time, Parndorf is raising the fees. Kovacs counters that the removal is to be carried out by building yard employees and that the costs are manageable. "We are removing something that was obviously built in error. Any construction company would do that." The residents could not keep a service that they did not pay for. "That alone is a question of fairness towards others," explains the mayor.

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