Alarming trend

“Tortured egg” imports: 20 Styrian farms close!

25.03.2024 14:14

Eggs are in high season at Easter, especially Styrian eggs from hens raised in good conditions are in such high demand that "organic" eggs are sometimes sold out. Nevertheless: this year, 20 domestic henhouses have closed in the egg country of Styria! Because more is being imported from abroad than ever before.

The EU has banned what has fortunately long since ceased to be an issue in our country: "torture eggs", i.e. from hens that have to live their lives crammed into the tightest of cages. Nevertheless, according to the Chamber of Agriculture, 40 percent of eggs throughout the EU come from such conditions! How is this possible? "Where there's no plaintiff, there's no judge," analyzes Maria Pein, Vice President. And: "Even if there are complaints, entrepreneurs would rather accept the fines than convert their facilities in the long term."

Styrians are particularly interested in the conditions under which their "egg producers" are kept; according to surveys, this is the top purchase criterion (63%), ahead of origin (57%) and even freshness (47%). Nevertheless, eggs from the most dismal forms of farming are brazenly foisted on consumers in such a way that they cannot be specifically avoided, mainly via liquid egg or egg powder, and subsequently also in cakes or mayonnaise.
subsequently also in cakes or mayonnaise. In gigantic dimensions. Maria Pein: "The quantities have even quintupled in the last two years! In 2022, after years of declining figures, it was 62 million. In 2023 it was 300 million eggs!" And: The farming method or where the egg comes from outside of its natural form doesn't even have to be labeled . . .

What this means: 70,000 fewer laying hens were housed in Styria - 20 farms have closed down!

The food service industry in particular is a major consumer of liquid and egg powder - the price is often the deciding factor here. And: this development is killing off small farms in particular, with their premium quality eggs and chickens. Pein: "We can only hope that there will be a change here soon."

The last few years have not been easy for local farmers due to coronavirus and the Ukraine crisis, rising prices for fuel and even packaging. They are therefore calling for a fairness package with three key cornerstones:

  • Full transparency for consumers for processed foods with egg content, such as pasta, cakes, mayonnaises
  • Labeling in the catering trade, so far this has been done on a voluntary basis by flagship restaurants that are proud of their regional origin
  • More local eggs in canteens and canteen kitchens
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