Trial in Innsbruck

Blackmailing the “second wife” with a sex video?

23.03.2024 08:00

A love triangle in the Tyrolean lowlands has now come to an end at the Innsbruck regional court. It was about alleged blackmail, a man with two playmates and a sex video that could not be found.

There were more unanswered questions than answers in a trial concerning an accused extortion by a 38-year-old woman of Turkish origin and her boyfriend. She was with the 40-year-old in the lowlands, but there was another woman. "We were both his wives," the accused explained to the somewhat surprised judge Helga Moser.

Several transfers, more than 30,000 euros
Under his threats, they then blackmailed the "second wife" into making several money transfers. For example, by threatening to send nude photos and a delicate video to her brother and ex-husband. In the end, more than 30,000 euros were actually transferred.

The 38-year-old emphasized several times during the trial that she had been forced into the blackmail by the second defendant. The man charged with this offense did not attend the trial.

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The only thing that is clear is that nothing is clear in this case.

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

Richterin Helga Moser

For the judge, after around two hours of hearing, it was only clear that "nothing is clear". It could not even be clearly verified whether there were actually nude photos or even a sex video.

Neither provable nor refutable
Moser added that she could neither prove nor disprove whether the undoubted flow of money was the result of blackmail or misunderstood love. Under these strange circumstances, the only remaining verdict was an acquittal, which is already legally binding.

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