Health as an issue

Political dispute over doctors, nurses and the state parliament chamber

22.03.2024 05:55

Acute patient health policy? There was an exchange of blows in the state parliament yesterday. The renovation of the state parliament chamber also caused debate.

The shortage of doctors and nurses was the topic of a topical hour in the provincial parliament in St. Pölten yesterday. "When will the next ward be closed after Waidhofen an der Ybbs? There is a lack of an overall concept," said SPÖ MP Karin Scheele, criticizing hospital policy and the work of the state health agency in Lower Austria. Neos spokesperson Edith Kollermann added: "The taxpayers finance the healthcare system" and called for the provincial parliament to have a comprehensive right to ask questions. Sylvia Moser: "The symptom is a lack of planning." She believes that the state councillor responsible, Ludwig Schleritzko, has a duty to draw up a strategy.

"All government parties sit on the supervisory board. The provincial audit office audits the health agency, we offer healthcare at a high level. But of course, we have to focus medically. That is why we are drawing up a plan," countered ÖVP health spokesman Franz Dinhobl. Richard Punz (FPÖ) defended the coalition partner ÖVP: "Care is still guaranteed, for example following the closure of the maternity ward in Waidhofen an der Ybbs.

State parliament hall to be rebuilt
The modernization of the state parliament chamber, which Karl Wilfing (ÖVP) described as the "heart of democracy", was also hotly debated. New thermal and technical technology is needed, as well as accessibility. Representatives of the SPÖ continue to criticize the costs of around twelve million euros. The Greens, Neos, FPÖ and ÖVP in turn criticized the "refusal of the SPÖ". The renovation plans were nevertheless approved by a large majority of four parties.

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