Three Swiss ahead

Men’s Super-G in Saalbach – LIVE from 11.30 am

22.03.2024 06:16

At the World Cup final in Saalbach on Friday, Stefan Rogentin won the last super-G of the season ahead of his compatriots Loic Meillard (+0.03) and Arnaud Boisset (+0.15). Marco Odermatt came fifth and thus also took the crystal globe in this discipline. Vincent Kriechmayr, who still had a small chance of winning the globe before the race, finished in sixth place.

The Swiss festival in Saalbach-Hinterglemm continued on Friday's super-G. After Lara Gut-Behrami, Marco Odermatt also brought his comfortable lead to the finish. Fifth place (+0.64 sec.) was enough for the high-flyer to successfully defend his title in this discipline. He was only the fourth-best Swiss skier as the slope deteriorated. With Stefan Rogentin ahead of Loic Meillard (+0.03) and Arnaud Boisset (+0.15), the Swiss were among themselves on the podium.

Vincent Kriechmayr was Austria's best in sixth place (+0.76). The Upper Austrian, who was still hoping for a bullet miracle before the race, finished the season as the second-best super-G skier 86 points behind Odermatt (495).

Kriechmayr without a chance
Like overall World Cup winner Odermatt, who took his third bullet this winter, Kriechmayr had no chance of winning the start number race this time. The other Austrians missed out on the top ten in front of 8,600 spectators in the 2025 World Cup venue.

Raphael Haaser saved his third position in the super-G ranking ahead of Rogentin despite finishing 13th. Stefan Babinsky finished 17th out of 23 starters, with Daniel Danklmaier in 21st and penultimate place. Lukas Feurstein caused a moment of shock with a catch at the penultimate gate.

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