Delivery driver arrested

Open parcels and letters in the car as well as drugs

19.03.2024 10:41

A 37-year-old delivery driver, who was privately driving his car on the Arlberg expressway, came under customs control on Sunday afternoon. The officers were able to seize narcotics and several opened parcels and letters in his car. In the end, his driving license was confiscated and his house searched!

On Sunday afternoon, customs officers carried out routine checks at the main toll station in St. Jakob am Arlberg. At around 4 p.m., they pulled a 37-year-old Hungarian living in Austria, who works as a delivery driver, out of circulation.

Narcotics partially concealed in the car
The inspectors finally discovered various narcotics in his private car - including 500 grams of herbal cannabis and various containers with 180 grams of hashish oil. Some of the drugs were hidden, it was said.

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In the course of a further search of the vehicle, a number of partially opened letters and parcels were found that had obviously not been delivered.

Die Ermittler

Suspect was arrested
The customs officers then immediately informed the highway police. "In thecourse of a further search of the vehicle, a number of partially opened letters and parcels that had obviously not been delivered were found," said the investigators. The 37-year-old suspect was then provisionally arrested.

House search ordered
The Hungarian claimed to have acquired the drugs for his own use. "With regard to the opened letters and parcels, however, he denied the intention to enrich himself. After consulting with the public prosecutor's office, they ordered a search of the 37-year-old's home and the seizure of the narcotics, letters and parcels as well as the cell phone."

During the house search, further drugs and apparently undelivered letters were discovered and confiscated. "Three laptops were also seized, the origin of which has not yet been established," the investigators continued.

Driving license confiscated
But that was not all. In the course of a medical examination, the driver was found to be unfit to drive due to narcotics. The 37-year-old's driver's license was confiscated. Appropriate charges will be brought once the investigation has been completed. The Hungarian has since been released.

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