More hot days

A few “cool streets” for the trade fair city

12.03.2024 08:25

In 2023, Dornbirn experienced 20 heatwave days, i.e. days on which the temperature rose above 30 degrees. In view of climate change and the rising trend, SPÖ city councillor Markus Fäßler is calling for a few measures for this summer - and a climate adaptation concept.

The city of Dornbirn has set aside 270,000 euros in this year's budget for the implementation of climate protection and adaptation measures. A large part of this is likely to be spent on the planned redesign of Marktstrasse with tall trees.

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The measures taken so far are just a drop in the ocean of the city's heat islands.

(Bild: Maurice Shourot)

Markus Fäßler, SPÖ-Stadtrat in Dornbirn

Last summer, a spray mist system was also trialed behind St. Martin's Church. "But all this is just a drop in the ocean of the city's heat islands," says SPÖ city councillor Markus Fäßler and calls on Mayor Andrea Kaufmann and Deputy Mayor Julian Fässler (both ÖVP) to take action.

"Living room must not become a heat room "
Dornbirn should not only increase its efforts to protect the climate, but also invest massively in climate adaptation measures to make the increasing number of hot days in the city more bearable, especially for children, the elderly and sick people. "Dornbirn's living room must not become a heat room!"

In Fäßler's view, a climate adaptation concept is urgently needed. "This particularly involves planting trees along streets and providing shade in school playgrounds and public spaces that are used by many Dornbirn residents," he explains. The first projects, such as the construction of further "cool streets" with water spray systems, should be implemented this summer.

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