Collective resistance

Vigil in Vienna in memory of femicides

08.03.2024 19:01

On International Women's Day, a vigil was held at Rochusmarkt in Vienna-Landstraße in response to the femicides to commemorate the deaths of a 51-year-old woman and her 13-year-old daughter on February 23. "These gruesome murders are part of an alarming series of seven femicides that have already been recorded in 2024," the appeal said.

The vigil was organized by the district organizations of the SPÖ, the Greens, Links/KPÖ and NEOS. It was intended to provide an opportunity for mourning in solidarity and collective resistance against violence against women. SPÖ district leader Erich Hohenberger called on people not to look away when they see violence against women.

"Unacceptable reality"
"If you are affected by it yourself - don't accept it. There are ways to escape this terrible situation! Find out about existing offers and take advantage of them," he said.

A great deal of attention was paid to the importance of civil courage. (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
A great deal of attention was paid to the importance of civil courage.
Flowers ... (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
Flowers ...
... and candles in remembrance (Bild: APA/MAX SLOVENCIK)
... and candles in remembrance

Deputy district leader Siegrid Widhalm from the Green Party called femicides, i.e. the killing of women because of their gender, "a shocking and unacceptable reality in our society".

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Women have influenced and changed history! Even if we are currently experiencing setbacks, we are continuing the fight of our female ancestors.

Susanne Empacher, Bezirksrätin von Links/KPÖ

"We are all called upon to pay attention - every day," was the appeal from NEOS district councillor Maria In der Maur-Koenne, while district councillor Susanne Empacher from Links/KPÖ emphasized the solidarity of women across generations. "Women have influenced and changed history! Even if we are currently experiencing setbacks, we are continuing the fight of our female ancestors."

"Need to build networks"
Meanwhile, SPÖ local councillor and member of parliament Patricia Anderle addressed the economic framework conditions that are necessary "to be able to shape our lives in a self-determined way. We need to build networks so that our interests are not marginalized. For a world in which femicide no longer exists."
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