Premiere at the Rabenhof

Oppitz and Nikbakhsh wanted to be apolitical

06.03.2024 10:03

On Tuesday evening, Michael Nikbakhsh and Klaus Oppitz filled Vienna's Rabenhof Theater with spectators and laughter. As cat lovers, at least one of two, the successful artists observed exciting parallels between pusses and those in power.

"We have been ruled by cats for decades" - was the conclusion of the evening's program. A cabaret with a steep thesis, you could say: conspiracy theory included.

After "Niemand nennt uns Mitzi" and "Wählt uns, weils eh schon wurscht ist", journalist and satirist Michael Nikbakhsh and cabaret artist Klaus Oppitz ushered in a new era of political satire at the premiere of "Katzen" at the Rabenhof Theater on Tuesday.

Political satire the third
Political satire? But that wasn't exactly the topic they wanted to address this time. "We realized that in the end it doesn't matter what you think about politics. It happens anyway. And with the material we have, it would be a shame not to use it. In the first two pieces, we concentrated more on television appearances by politicians. And now we've tapped into the world of social media, especially Tiktok. And it's really amazing what politics presents on Tiktok. Really amazing, that's the politest thing I can think of," smiled the business journalist Nikbakhsh.

Velvet paws or not, it is clear that the duo want to deal with more serious topics: "In fact, the whole thing is about places of refuge, about escapism. Klaus is of the opinion that cats are a place of refuge and I dispute that. But the framework in which we operate is that people are a bit fed up with the politics of the day and are looking for a place of refuge. Klaus has the wrong one, but he has one."

The old story? A new play!
He had noticed the peculiarity of his own cat for some time. His colleague, already tired of the constant stories and anecdotes, soon developed an inside joke. The duo quickly turned it into material for the cabaret.

Oppitz says: "It's quite simple, there are two different approaches to life. One says that politics is very, very important and you have to look at it and you can't put up with everything. And the other is frustrated, like many in this day and age, and says: 'Well, before I get involved in politics, I'll just go back to my cats. So it's also about people who are simply frustrated and are now somehow looking for the security of their own home. The cat is perfect for that."

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