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Wind power: now the citizens have their say

06.03.2024 05:50

The issue of wind turbine expansion is currently dominating the region around Waidhofen an der Thaya in the Waldviertel (Lower Austria). A referendum, which will take place this Sunday, March 10, should now bring clarity. The mayors of the five local communities want to accept any decision and are demanding the same from opponents.

Ecologist Franz Essl, who was named Scientist of the Year in 2022, will not be in complete agreement with the Waldviertel mayors in his guest commentary (see commentary below). But in essence, they all paint the same picture: If the Waldviertel region - like other regions - does not do its bit to expand renewable energies, climate change will ensure that there will be no more forests here in the distant future.

In and around Waidhofen an der Thaya, five municipalities - Waidhofen-Land, Thaya, Groß Siegharts and Karlstein in addition to the district town - will now hold a referendum on Sunday. And the mood among the population is already heated up, with a large group of wind power opponents around the nationally known activist Michael "Jimmy" Moser opposing with advertising banners and all kinds of "alternative facts". "Yes to wind power, but not at these locations," is the broad message from the SPÖ and FPÖ in the district. The opinion of the Red Party is - depending on the municipality - strongly divided. For example, 86 percent of SPÖ members in the former party bastion of Groß Siegharts are against the planned wind turbine sites, explains Red district chairman Christian Kopecek.

For Waidhofen's deputy mayor Martin Litschauer, who is also the district spokesman for the Greens, it is quite clear that regional resources should be used now and not wait any longer: "Neither Russian gas nor more nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic will help us to overcome the climate crisis, they will only make us dependent on foreign countries," the Green reiterates, as expected, the position of the local leaders in whose communities wind turbines are planned.

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I will not be bought! If wind turbines are to be erected in forests or on valuable meadows and farmland, the line has been crossed.

(Bild: FPNÖ)

poltert indes FPÖ-Bezirksparteichef Gottfried Waldhäusl

Press conference in St. Pölten
Many are already eagerly awaiting the result of the referendum on March 10. The issues are so hotly debated in public spaces that the fronts have hardened. Nobody seems to want to hear any new arguments. The mayors of the local communities invited to a press conference in the provincial capital of St. Pölten on Tuesday and emphasized that they want to deal responsibly with the decision of their community citizens but also with the energy future for the next generations.

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I hope that more than 70 % will go to the polls in Thaya. Because it is important to me that the majority decides and not those who just shout loudly!

(Bild: Imre Antal)

Eduard Köck, Bürgermeister von Thaya, Regionsobmann und ÖVP-Bezirksparteichef

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If we vote no, the wind turbines will be built in Waidhofen. Only the municipality in which the turbines are located will receive money.

(Bild: Imre Antal)

Ulrich Achleitner, Bürgermeister der Bandlkramerstadt Groß Siegharts, ÖVP

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Climate change and the bark beetle have destroyed the forest. Nobody is buying us, we just want to help ensure that the Waldviertel deserves its name.

(Bild: Imre Antal)

Siegfried Walch, Bürgermeister der Uhrmacher-Gemeinde Karlstein, ÖVP

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Our four parliamentary groups in the municipality are united behind the expansion of wind power. Nevertheless, we are consulting citizens because the issue is so important.

(Bild: Imre Antal)

Christian Drucker, Bürgermeister von Waidhofen-Land und Landwirt, ÖVP

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Why are we planning wind turbines in the forest? Forests are often on hills and are often the only areas 1200 meters away from the village.

(Bild: Imre Antal)

Roman Prager, designierter Vorstand der W.E.B Windenergie

And they vowed to abide by the result if at least 50 percent of those eligible to vote take part: "We will democratically recognize the decision and we hope the opponents will too!"

Ecologist Franz Essl (Bild: THOMAS LEHMANN)
Ecologist Franz Essl
Windkraft: Das geringere Übel

The climate crisis is escalating and this has serious consequences: Crop failures, floods, the death of spruce forests. To counteract these consequences, we need to expand renewable energies.

Of course, not every location is suitable for wind turbines from an ecological point of view. Exclusion zones are needed, for example around nature reserves or breeding areas for endangered bird species. This is currently being taken into account in a detailed zoning process at state level. These strict criteria lead to the final wind power zones-these should also be used.

Yes, the construction of wind turbines also represents an intervention in nature. However, the rapid loss of species in Austria is not due to the construction of wind turbines, but primarily to over-intensive agriculture and unbridled development (e.g. the construction of roads such as the B36). If we want to protect the landscape of the Waldviertel, we have to realize this: Without curbing climate change and phasing out oil and gas, the Waldviertel will soon no longer rightly bear its name. Rapidly advancing climate change will lead to a massive loss of forests.

Consider these arguments when weighing up the pros and cons of wind turbines - for example in the referendum on March 10.

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