Highlighting risks

Together against cancer: State recommends HPV vaccination

02.03.2024 17:00

March 4th is International Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Day. To raise awareness of health risks, the province of Tyrol recommends vaccination to reduce the risk of precancerous lesions. A comprehensive vaccination program should enable a vaccination coverage rate of 90 percent.

On International HPV Day on March 4, the province of Tyrol wants to draw attention to the consequences of an infection. This infection can cause precancerous lesions and cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, throat or larynx. It mainly occurs through direct contact with mucous membranes, for example during sexual contact.

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It is important to continue to strengthen sexual health literacy through early education about sexually transmitted diseases and, above all, to raise awareness of the HPV vaccination as an effective protective measure against cancer as early as possible through school vaccinations

Cornelia Hagele (Bild: Christof Birbaumer/Kronen Zeitung)

Cornelia Hagele, Gesundheits-LR

Around 80 percent of the sexually active population comes into contact with these viruses at least once in their lives. Over 6000 people undergo operations and around 600 die every year throughout Austria as a result. Early vaccination can reduce the risk by up to 90 percent. "It is important to continue to strengthen sexual health literacy through early education about sexually transmitted diseases and, above all, to raise awareness of the HPV vaccination as an effective protective measure against cancer as early as possible through school vaccinations," explains Health Minister Cornelia Hagele.

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We can all help to reduce HPV infections in the long term.

Cornelia Hagele (Bild: Christof Birbaumer/Kronen Zeitung)

Cornelia Hagele, Gesundheits-LR

According to the Austrian vaccination plan, HPV vaccination is generally recommended for all people up to the age of 30. With the expansion of the public vaccination program "Impfaktion Tirol" to include people from their 21st birthday to the age of 27, a further step has been taken in Tyrol to reduce the vaccination gap among the over 20s. The vaccination is available with a low-cost co-payment of 62 euros per vaccination from the health departments of the district authorities and Innsbruck City Council.

Comprehensive vaccination offer for vaccination coverage
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a vaccination coverage rate of 90 percent for adolescent women is to be achieved by 2030 as part of the elimination strategy against cervical cancer. Currently, the HPV vaccination coverage rate in Tyrol for the first vaccination for both sexes is around 65%. "We can all help to reduce HPV infections in the long term by taking advantage of the low-threshold vaccination offers close to home via the Tyrolean vaccination campaign, at doctors in private practice or at the district authorities in good time," said the Health Minister.

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