Election in Vösendorf

FPÖ now wants to clean up the town hall with a lawyer

02.03.2024 06:05

The FPÖ is the first party in Vösendorf to come out of the woodwork and present its top candidate for the early municipal elections. While the ÖVP and SPÖ candidates are busy with the public prosecutor's office, the Freedom Party is sending a lawyer with edgy statements into the race.

Now the municipal election campaign in Vösendorf is picking up speed. "Krone readers know: The citizens of this town in the district of Mödling are being called to the polls on May 5. The trigger was the affair surrounding ÖVP mayor Hannes Koza, who had initially settled a private lawyer's bill via the municipality's fire department account.

Magistra for safety and decency
"I want to drain this swamp together with the citizens!" Kerstin Liebl is now entering the election campaign ring for the Freedom Party in Vösendorf with this message. As a trained lawyer, she wants to uphold security, decency and justice in local politics. She sees politics "as a service to citizens" and takes a hard line with the "Koza system", as she calls it: "There are a few big-heads who always think they can fix things. They unpack everything in the back rooms of the municipal office and run roughshod over the population."

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The Koza system has cheated our families and reached into the taxpayers' pockets in cold blood. I want to show that there is a clean way. If Hannes Koza has a shred of decency, then he will resign from all political functions.

(Bild: FPÖ)

Kerstin Liebl, FPÖ-Kandidatin in Vösendorf

Woman with principles
Her legal career has taught her how transparency and the rule of law work. The academic, who has worked as an auditor for 15 years, wants to anchor these principles in Vösendorf town hall. In the election campaign, Liebl is presented by the FPÖ as the "force for change".

Public prosecutor's office has a lot to do
As reported, accusations of allegedly inflated invoices against SPÖ mandataries have recently been made. This case and the "invoicing affair" involving Mayor Hannes Koza are currently being investigated by the public prosecutor's office. The results of the investigation are not yet available.

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