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A flood of trials for sexual abuse

29.02.2024 19:00

Charges of sexual abuse of minors are piling up at Eisenstadt Regional Court. On Thursday, a man from Lower Austria who had more than just groped a 16-year-old girl got off with a lenient sentence. His reaction: "And how am I supposed to pay the 1000 euros? I've got nothing."

A quick survey of acquaintances revealed that everyone would at least wear a jacket if they had to stand trial - if it was a question of guilt or innocence, prison or freedom. After a defendant wearing a neon yellow high-visibility vest on Tuesday made a mockery of his respectability, as reported by the "Krone" newspaper, a 49-year-old man in a jeans outfit sat before Judge Doris Halper-Praunias on Thursday. This man had not studied quantum physics either, and his seawashed model of trousers, with cuffs around the ankles, had last been seen by some 35 years ago.

Interim question for all lawyers: Why don't you advise clients to wear something smart?

In any case:

Yesterday, the third trial within a week was held in Eisenstadt concerning the sexual abuse of children and young people in Burgenland. Two more will follow next week. Without words.

Victim or perpetrator protection?
The defendant, his defense lawyer, the judge, the public prosecutor, the private party representative and three journalists were seated at the private hearing in room 1. The latter were expelled from the courtroom before the indictment was read out. Victim protection! Legally all right, but: isn't the protection of perpetrators practised behind closed doors? And: How can this verdict be communicated without causing a shitstorm online against the oh-so-lenient justice system?

The blameless man was sentenced to six months' conditional imprisonment for repeatedly touching the intimate parts of his partner's then 16-year-old daughter and groping her breasts. If he is good for three years, nothing will happen to him.

Three days of reflection were requested.

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