Kickl on the war in Ukraine

“A kind of final victory mentality has spread”

27.02.2024 22:16

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl called for a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia in a press conference on Tuesday (see video above). Internationally, "a kind of final victory mentality has already spread". Macron's statements are a "new high point".

As reported, Macron had said that the deployment of ground troops by his country in Ukraine could no longer be ruled out. "When soldiers from other countries come home in coffins and are handed over to their families, that is supposed to be the future of Europe? Not if we Freedom Party members have our way," said Kickl.

Herbert Kickl (Bild: APA/Roland Schlager)
Herbert Kickl

Austria's role should be a neutral one. "We want to position Austria as a mediator and conciliator." He referred to the negotiations between Russian and Ukrainian representatives shortly after the start of the war on Belarusian soil and those in Turkey in 2022. These were "very hopeful initiatives". The proposal was for Russia to withdraw to its pre-attack positions and for Ukraine to commit to not becoming a NATO member in return. The country should "not have military forces from foreign countries on its territory."

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You are absolutely right that there is much, much to criticize about this Russian regime. But this is nothing exclusive.

Herbert Kickl zu Menschenrechten in Russland

"Have achieved nothing in two years"
According to Kickl, the West has achieved nothing in the past two years, yet weapons are still being supplied. The sanctions policy against Russia, for example, had achieved nothing. Relations with the belligerent country must be "normalized" again.

"You are absolutely right that there is much, much to criticize about this Russian regime. But that is nothing exclusive. And that's the problem I have: this measuring in double standards. If you're talking about the gulag, then I'll tell you Guantanamo. If you're talking about Navalny, then I'll tell you Assange," said the FPÖ leader after being asked about human rights issues.

He wanted to focus on a ceasefire and "get out of this escalation stage" as quickly as possible. The warring parties should enter into negotiations.
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