Warns of "Orbanistan"

“Putin brothers”: Kogler attacks Kickl and the FPÖ

18.02.2024 16:26

Vice-Chancellor and Green Party chairman Werner Kogler launched an all-out attack on the FPÖ's "blue Putin brothers" on Sunday's ORF "Pressestunde" program. He said that Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl should first disclose the friendship agreement with Putin's party - which the FPÖ claims has long since been terminated. Kickl envisioned an "Orbanistan", again based on Hungary. The FPÖ's reaction to Kogler's statements was not long in coming.

Kickl was "good at putting Kogler down". The Green Party leader, however, wanted to concentrate on "making it big".

Werner Kogler: Attacks against the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl (left) (Bild: APA, Krone KREATIV)
Werner Kogler: Attacks against the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl (left)

According to Kogler, there will soon be a National Council election and not a "people's chancellor election".

Difference between right-wing and far-right emphasized
Kogler defended the fact that the Greens were cooperating with the FPÖ in investigative committees, for example, as majorities had to be found for the delivery of files. And generally "right-wing" or "right-wing conservative" positions must also have their place in a democracy.

Right-wing extremists, on the other hand, would attack precisely this democracy - "as in Hungary" - as a concept. FPÖ Secretary General Christian Hafenecker, for example, defended the right-wing extremist meeting in Germany.

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Generally right-wing or right-wing conservative positions must have their place in a democracy. Right-wing extremists, on the other hand, would attack precisely this democracy - as in Hungary - as a concept.

Vizekanzler Werner Kogler (Grünen)

Praise for Lena Schilling
Kogler also sees the Green top candidate for the EU elections, Lena Schilling, as "good news" for the fight against right-wing extremism - as well as for climate protection. The party leader's self-declared goal is to retain the Greens' three mandates ("That was a sensational success back then") in the European Parliament, as the issues are different from last time. "We have a certain headwind."

Lena Schilling leads the Greens into the EU elections. (Bild: APA/Robert Jäger)
Lena Schilling leads the Greens into the EU elections.

Kogler on Putin: "Criminal dictator"
One of these new challenges for the EU is Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Now it is a question of defense capability in Europe. Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin wants to destroy Europe, "in any case our values".

The Vice Chancellor is not in favor of a "European army in addition to NATO", but the member states should coordinate better and form a bloc. Although Putin is a "criminal dictator", we will also have to negotiate with him.

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Putin wants to destroy Europe, certainly our values.

Werner Kogler

Kogler supports EU migration pact
Kogler also continued to show clear support for the EU migration pact, even though it is being criticized "from the far left to the far right". The pact offers the first ever opportunity for a uniform asylum procedure. The problems in the area of asylum and migration can only be solved at a European level, "anyone who says otherwise is a charlatan", said the Vice-Chancellor. That is why the "Fortress Austria" propagated by the FPÖ is also "nonsense".

FPÖ counters Kogler's statements
The FPÖ's reaction to Kogler's statements was not long in coming. "Self-motivational platitudes" would get Austria nowhere, said Secretary General Michael Schnedlitz, who accused the Green Party leader of "insults and untruths towards the opposition".

"This government has burnt out and is no longer getting anything done," said NEOS Secretary General Douglas Hoyos in a press release. "The lack of concrete answers to people's major problems", complained SPÖ Federal Managing Director Sandra Breiteneder.

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