Berlinale opening

Protest against the right on the red carpet

15.02.2024 23:02

The opening of the Berlin International Film Festival was dominated by protests against right-wing extremism. In an action organized by the Berlinale, actresses such as Jella Haase and Katja Riemann shouted "Defend Democracy" on the red carpet on Thursday evening. There were also numerous other political statements from other stars.

"The Berlinale has a lot: a lot of space for dialog between people and art. But it has no room for hate. Hate is not on our guest list," said Berlinale co-head Mariette Rissenbeek during the gala. "Many people in the Berlinale team, but also in our circle of friends and acquaintances, are affected by the AfD's intentions to expel people with a migration background from the country, to deport them. We as a festival cannot and will not tolerate this."

AfD representatives unwelcome at festival
Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) emphasized: "The Berlinale stands for openness to the world, for freedom, for democracy, diversity, solidarity and cohesion. The AfD does not stand for any of that." The background to this was a debate about the invitation and disinvitation of several AfD politicians to the opening gala. Following international criticism, the Berlinale had excluded the party representatives.

Berlin AfD state and parliamentary group leader Kristin Brinker had criticized the disinvitation as a "cultural-political beacon". A few days ago, she pointed out that she had been invited in the past two years and had also taken up the offer.

Culture Minister: "Our democracy is not immune either"
At the opening gala, German Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth turned her attention to conflicts and wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, for example. "Our democracy is not immune either," she said, "it is threatened by its enemies." Referring to right-wing populists and right-wing extremists, Roth spoke of enemies of open society.

Some actors and actresses also made political statements on the red carpet. Several people wore buttons with the inscription "Berlinale against right-wing extremism". When asked why it was so important to her to set an example for democracy, actress Haase said: "Because it frightens me with what indifference, with what normality people almost go to the ballot box and vote for parties that clearly and obviously promote right-wing extremist ideas."

Several people also carried signs in memory of the victims of the racist attack in Hanau in 2020, the anniversary of which was on February 19.
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