Five months suspended

Sentenced for not putting sick dog to sleep

15.02.2024 07:00

The male dog "Aiko" (12) had had no control over the back half of his body since an accident and was suffering from severe pain. Because his owner did not have him treated or euthanized, he was sentenced in the first instance to seven months' conditional imprisonment for cruelty to animals. He lodged an appeal against this.

A convicted animal abuser did not want to "fight" against the sentence at the Linz Higher Regional Court on Wednesday, as he dislikes the word. He just wanted to "clarify a few things": "Aiko" was his favorite dog.

Bad condition
The German shepherd mix had had no control over the rear half of his body since an accident. Despite severe pain, limited mobility, incontinence and his advanced age (12 years), the dog was kept outside all year round.

Euthanasia required
For the owner and the alternative association to which he belonged, neither medical treatment nor euthanasia was an option. Not even when the official vet finally called for the dog to be put down. This is why a complaint was finally filed and charges were brought. The "master" was convicted of cruelty to animals in the first instance at Wels Regional Court. The convicted man appealed.

Sentence reduced
On Ash Wednesday, the Linz Court of Appeal rejected his request for an acquittal, but reduced the conditional prison sentence from seven to five months and extended the probationary period to five years. In addition, the convicted man must pay the costs of the proceedings - the verdict is final.

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