Without license plates

Motorcyclist fled from the police

10.02.2024 20:23

South of Graz, the police are searching for the driver of a "bright green" motorcycle after he fled from a police check without license plates and hit a patrol car in the process.

Shortly before 4 p.m. today, Saturday, a police patrol at a petrol station in Feldkirchenstraße in Kalsdorf became aware of several motorcycles, two of which had no license plates. When the bikers saw the police officers, the driver of a "bright green" motorcycle fled. The officers then tried to block the escape route by parking their patrol car across the exit. However, the biker continued his escape despite clear signs to stop. He even hit the patrol car, damaging the front end.

Scuffle with police officers
A few hundred meters further on, the motorcyclist apparently came to an involuntary halt on a grass verge in the area of a leisure facility (Copacabana) after his engine "died". A police officer then jumped out of the patrol car and grabbed the rider by the jacket. Shortly afterwards, however, the driver managed to escape again after starting the engine and pulling away.

A manhunt is underway
Nobody was injured during the pursuit. Only the front end of the patrol car was damaged. Since then, the investigation into the previously unknown driver of the "bright green" motorcycle without a license plate has been ongoing. Video recordings are also being analyzed for this purpose.

Information to: Seiersberg police station, 059133/6130

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