Threatened with a gun?

Boss wanted to force “lazy” cook to work

06.02.2024 19:44

A thuggish boss (48) is said to have stormed into his chef's apartment with a gun in his hand - because he wanted to force him to work. The case has now ended up in court in Innsbruck. The verdict was not at all to the liking of the owner of a well-known restaurant ...

Lots of stress, a shortage of workers and nerves on edge - the restaurant trade is often rough. But the owner (48) of a well-known restaurant in Innsbruck went a step too far on June 1, 2023.

He wanted to confront his employee and "make him work". (Bild: Wasant)
He wanted to confront his employee and "make him work".

Defendant wanted to confront "lazy dog"
What exactly happened on June 1, 2023 in the staff apartment in Innsbruck-Igls could not be reconstructed exactly, even at a trial at the Innsbruck Regional Court. At least the native of southern Italy confessed to kicking in the door. The reason: his cook turned blue. "The lazy dog claimed to be with his sick mother in Italy, caring for her and therefore unable to work," said the spirited defendant, seeing red. He wanted to confront his employee and "get him to work".

The Italian had to take his seat in court. (Bild: Markus Stegmayr)
The Italian had to take his seat in court.

Sworn at and grabbed by the arm
The 48-year-old is also said to have threatened to kill the employee with a gun in his hand. "Nonsense, there was no gun involved," the 48-year-old vehemently denied this accusation. A witness who might have been able to clarify in court whether there was "only" a scuffle or whether the boss was actually waving a gun around did not appear. In the end, it was clear to the judge that the chef was verbally abused by the defendant, grabbed by the arm and loudly "asked" to pack his things and leave.

Full appeal registered
The Italian was given a fine of 1040 euros, half of which was conditional. The landlord did not like this at all. After a brief, impulsive consultation with his defense lawyer, he immediately lodged a full appeal.

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