Helicopter also deployed

Search operation in the forest after mysterious cries for help

06.02.2024 07:34

A nocturnal and curious operation took place on Monday night in Pertisau (Schwaz district) in Tyrol! A member of the Maurach mountain rescue team heard calls for help near his house. After he and his son initially received a response during the search, contact was lost. A search operation using a helicopter, drone and dogs was unsuccessful.

It was a search for a phantom that a mountain rescuer and his son embarked on on Monday evening. At around 9.30 pm, the father, himself a member of the Maurach am Achensee mountain rescue team, heard several cries for help from a male person near his house.

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The person also responded to their calls once, but then the contact broke off.

Die Polizei

He and his son finally set off in the direction of Rodelhüttenweg Zwölferkopf. After about 200 meters, they heard the cries for help again. "The person also responded to their calls once, then contact was lost," the police said. The man then called the mountain rescue service.

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Due to the dense forest cover, the search flights with the helicopter and drone proved to be very difficult.

Die Polizei

Drone and helicopter in action
For several hours, every stone was turned over in the area to find the man. Several mountain rescuers and search dogs combed the forest. A drone and helicopter were also deployed. "Due to the very dense forest cover, the search flights with the helicopter and drone proved to be very difficult," the police continued.

The search was finally called off at around 2 a.m. without success. The police had not received any missing persons reports by the early hours of the morning. "Should there be any change in this regard, a new search operation will be launched in consultation with the Maurach am Achensee mountain rescue team," it concluded.

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