Weird ÖVP initiative

Raab on Leitkultur: “It’s not about schnitzel”

05.02.2024 15:18

Integration Minister Susanne Raab has been commissioned by Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (both ÖVP) to develop the so-called Leitkultur. On Monday, the minister revealed details of the deliberations on and dispelled certain prejudices. "This is not about us all having to eat schnitzel or listen to Austrian musicians. But Austria is a diverse country that needs a common basis of rules that everyone must abide by," emphasized Raab (see video above).

The plan for a Leitkultur is currently the subject of heated debate - especially on social media. Experts accuse Raab of populism and incitement against refugees.

But what does a Leitkultur really mean for Austria? Raab answered questions from presenter Gerhard Koller.

Comparison with corporate mission statement
"We imagine a guiding culture to be a mission statement similar to that of large companies. How people work together within the company, what values the company is based on and how the company presents itself to the outside world. As Austria, we also want a guiding culture," explained Raab.

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It's about standards of behavior. How people behave towards each other. House rules that focus on the rules of living together.

Integrationsministerin Susanne Raab (ÖVP) zur Idee einer Leitkultur für Österreich

"Accepting the values of our coexistence"
And this is primarily of great relevance in the area of integration. "Integration means learning the language, going to work and also accepting the values of our coexistence. And that is relevant because many people come to us who have been socialized completely differently. Where the culture is completely different, where women are worth less than men, where girls have no access to education and are forced into marriage or where the police are not your friend and helper, but highly corrupt. All of this is important to convey. And this is where immigrants also have to adapt."

Claus Pándi on the ÖVP's "dominant culture"

The Chancellor has rediscovered an old topic for himself. It is quite possible that only a few people have noticed. That would also be a stroke of luck for the ÖVP. The issue is that Karl Nehammer has commissioned the famous Susanne Raab to develop an Austrian "Leitkultur".

What this is supposed to do is a mystery. After the experiences with Türkis-Schwarz, it is probably about an ideal image of what real Austrians should listen to (Strauss and Gabalier), what they should eat (Schinkenfleckerl and Schnitzel), what they should read (Grillparzer and Brezina).

This is, of course, a right nonsense answer to the questions of migration. Moreover, clever minds already clarified the issue of Leitkultur decades ago: it is about adhering to Western values, keeping state and religion apart and thus generally respecting people's rights.

Vienna's former mayor Michael Häupl once explained this in simple terms as house rules that people have to abide by.

Lots of other questions
What Minister Raab is supposed to come up with is a mystery. The ridiculous mumbo-jumbo about the "dominant culture" wouldn't matter at all if there weren't a whole host of other issues: Europe's corporations will soon be cutting 80,000 jobs, house prices are rising and many people lack the money for everyday living.

The government should therefore use its remaining time for smarter ideas. Thank you very much.

Sanctions possible for non-compliance
Does this also mean that if someone does not adapt, their refugee status may disappear? Raab's clear answer: "Yes, there will be measures that can be implemented in law." She spoke, for example, of cuts in social benefits or negative influences in the citizenship procedure or asylum status.

What do Austrians expect from immigrants?
On the other hand, she is concerned that Austrians should also communicate clear expectations. "Integration means adaptation. Where and how do we think people should integrate? Where do we expect them to adapt? We don't want men in Austria to tell women how they should live, or whether they should be allowed to drive or learn German. It's quite clear that adaptation is necessary here."

How is this to be controlled? Raab: "Of course, you can't intervene in every household, but in the area of integration we see time and time again where refugees are entering the system and where we need to keep an eye on things."

The Minister gave an example: If you come to Austria and have a positive asylum decision, you have to take German and values courses and sign a declaration of integration, otherwise you risk having your social benefits cut. Further sanction options are currently being considered.

Education is also an issue
When it comes to the dominant culture, Raab does not exclude the education sector. Her thoughts are as follows: "How can we reach pupils with a migrant background even better when it comes to teaching our values?"

Federal states responsible for cutting social benefits
According to Raab, there have already been cases in the past where social benefits have been cut. "This is the task of the federal states, which are responsible for paying out social welfare benefits. Some do it more consistently, others perhaps a little more loosely. We clearly issue consistent notifications if a person entitled to asylum does not attend a course. It is necessary to set consequences."

Thepopulation should be involved
Raab is now to develop such a concept by 2030. We are
not starting from scratch.We have already had around 100,000 refugees on values courses in recent years, we can see exactly where values clash and what is important to communicate (e.g. anti-Semitism). We will use the materials we work with as a basis." Experts will also be involved. "We also want to involve Austrians and ask them which rules of coexistence are important to them, but also which traditions are important to them."

You can see what Raab thinks about the proposed payment card for asylum seekers in the video above.

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