For AI start-up xAI

Musk wants to build supercomputer by fall 2025

27.05.2024 07:50

Elon Musk is planning to build the world's largest supercomputer for his AI start-up xAI. According to a report, the tech billionaire announced during a presentation to investors that the supercomputer would be ready for operation by fall 2025.

According to Musk, the planned supercomputer, which is to be used for the next generation of the Grok chatbot, will be at least four times the size of the models used by Meta to train its AI models, the industry portal "The Information" reported.

Musk has repeatedly warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence and has even described AI as "our greatest existential threat". At the same time, the richest man in the world is investing heavily in artificial intelligence.

Last July, he founded xAI and hired employees from OpenAI, Google and the University of Toronto, among others. The boss of electric car manufacturer Tesla, space company SpaceX and owner of X (formerly Twitter) hopes to be able to use the AI technology developed for his own companies. In November, xAI presented the first version of the Grok chatbot.

Musk was one of the co-founders of OpenAI in 2015. However, he left three years later. In March, Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI due to its commercial orientation. In the statement of claim, he argued that the company was intended to be a non-profit organization. However, the developer of the chatbot ChatGPT is now a de facto profit-oriented subsidiary of the software company Microsoft.

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