First step taken

A “natural living room” for everyone in the middle of the city

25.05.2024 19:00

On one side, a cozy place to chill out in a hammock, on the other a corner for socializing, playful challenges for children or more: it is not yet possible to say what the planned "living room for everyone" in Laa will look like. Because: the ideas come from the citizens, an architect casts a professional eye over the plans.

Citizens contribute their wishes and an architect implements them all in the best possible way - for "their" new space in the center of the city: according to this principle, "an extended living room for everyone" will be created on a meadow on the main square in Laa an der Thaya, as Mayor Brigitte Ribisch puts it.

A meadow in the center becomes a multifunctional "space"
Where other towns pave over, a new "green meeting place" is being created. Due to the many historical buildings, including the magnificent town hall, this will not only fit into the city center visually: The "open-air meeting place for all" will also be set up as a good mix of places of conviviality as well as sociability in the best possible way.

That is why professional help has been sought. And, of course, the youngest guests should not miss out either: Space to play will also form a section of the small area.

Councillor for Finance Colly Kallaus, Mayor Ribisch and spatial planner Hans Emrich are already completing the preliminary planning for the public participation project. (Bild: Bunzl)
Councillor for Finance Colly Kallaus, Mayor Ribisch and spatial planner Hans Emrich are already completing the preliminary planning for the public participation project.

Online survey on ideas, citizen workshops go into detail
Citizen participation will be implemented in stages: under the motto "My town square", local residents, including businesses, will first be asked what they would like to see or how they could imagine the design. This will be followed by an online survey and workshops after the summer vacations. The overall plan should be completed by the end of 2024.

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read the original article here.

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