Pile of wood in flames

Two terraced houses uninhabitable after fire inferno

23.05.2024 13:31

33 firefighters had to respond to a fire in Vienna on Donaustädter Kamillenweg on Thursday morning. Despite their valiant efforts, replacement accommodation must now be found for the residents of two houses.

When the seven vehicles of the Vienna professional fire department, which was alerted at around ten o'clock, arrived at Kamillenweg, logs stacked on the outer wall of three terraced houses were already burning brightly. According to Jürgen Figerl from the professional fire department, an extinguishing line was immediately laid to put out the fire.

The piles of wood attached to the outside wall were ablaze. (Bild: Stadt Wien/ Feuerwehr)
The piles of wood attached to the outside wall were ablaze.

Roofs were opened with cutting saws
Two of the three adjoining terraced houses were already affected by the fire, but the fire was successfully prevented from spreading to the third house. However, the flames had already reached the roof of the other two residential units, which is why an extinguishing line was laid to cool them down and the roofs were opened with cutting saws.

Wearing breathing apparatus, the firefighters climbed onto the roofs to cool them down. (Bild: Stadt Wien/Feuerwehr)
Wearing breathing apparatus, the firefighters climbed onto the roofs to cool them down.

Uninhabitable due to heavy smoke
The flames did not reach the interiors of the affected houses. However, they were so heavily smoked that they are uninhabitable for the time being. The City of Vienna's Emergency Measures Group is currently organizing replacement accommodation for the affected families. The extinguishing work is still ongoing. The cause of the fire is probably a discarded cigarette.

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