Tesla's edge truck

Cybertruck in check: it’s really that sharp

23.05.2024 05:00

Rarely has a car caused as much excitement worldwide as Tesla's Cybertruck. Some find it repulsive, others find it super sharp. It is definitely sharp, literally on many edges. "Krone" motoring editor Stephan Schätzl checked it out during his flying visit to Vienna - in the video, he clears up some misconceptions and checks how sharp the stainless steel steed really is.

It is an impressive car - but not so oversized compared to other US pick-ups: 5.68 meters long, more than 2.40 m wide with wing mirrors (2.20 m without mirrors), with a 3.63 m wheelbase. And at 1.79 meters, it towers over the average Austrian man by one centimeter. The 20-inch rims look almost dainty, especially as there is plenty of space in the wheel arches. With the air suspension fully extended, the Cybertruck has a good 40 centimeters of ground clearance.

(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)

It can also drive through water up to 80 centimeters deep. But not just like that: you have to activate a corresponding mode and wait around ten minutes. The reason: excess pressure is built up in the battery so that no water can penetrate.

The battery is inflated to exploit the possible wading depth of 80 cm. (Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
The battery is inflated to exploit the possible wading depth of 80 cm.

It is made of stainless steel sheets 1.5 to 1.8 millimetres thick, roughly shaped and just as roughly cut. So rough that some of the edges have not even been deburred. As a result, if you run your finger over it, you scratch your skin.

But you can also get nasty injuries on the sheet metal - in the event of an accident. If there is a collision between the stainless steel truck and a person (i.e. pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist), limbs are at risk. At high speeds, the metal sheets can act like blades. You don't want to run into the Cybertruck on the road.

(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)

How bulletproof is the Cybertruck?
On the other hand, it should even be possible to survive an attack with 9 mm caliber firearms inside the vehicle unharmed. "The body and windows are bulletproof," said Tesla's PR man at the Cyber Odyssey event in Vienna. A rumor that has been circulating on the Internet. The fact is: although the windows are relatively break-proof, they have little to offer a bullet. And the sheets can only withstand the aforementioned calibers in places where they have the full thickness of 1.8 millimeters, such as on the doors. And even there it depends on the type of ammunition, the caliber alone is not decisive. If you need to be protected from bullets in your car, you should not rely on the Cybertruck.

The sheet metal is sensitive
The surface of the sheet metal suffers even under minor stress, for example in the rain or if you touch it. The internet is full of reports showing Cybertrucks rusting in the rain, and finger taps are a constant plague - not least because there are no door handles. So there's a lot of polishing to be done.

(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)

Cool, practical, confusing
Of course, the whole truck looks cool to no end (at the moment anyway; we'll see if that's still the case in a few years' time). And it is practical: the loading area is spacious, covered by an electric roller blind and illuminated by LED strips, the tailgate opens electrically. There is an extra compartment under the floor for cables & co. and power connections on the side wall. There is a further load compartment under the front hood.

However, the car is not clearly laid out: the body pillars massively obscure the view.

(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)
(Bild: Stephan Schätzl)

The interior is reduced, as you would expect from Tesla. The touchscreen measures a mighty 18.5 inches, the access between the seats is unobstructed. The steering wheel is more or less a yoke, even if it is closed at the top. Unlike the Tesla Model S, the steering is steer-by-wire, with a very direct ratio: from full turn left to full turn right is less than one turn - so you never have to reach around. This is how this type of steering wheel works. The blinker is operated by steering wheel buttons.

There is also plenty of space in the rear seat, even upwards. Despite the sloping roofline, even tall people have no problem with headroom (at least not at 1.90 meters).

Three drive systems to choose from
A rear-wheel drive and two all-wheel drive models with two or three engines are available. In the top version, the Cybertruck heaves its 3.1 tons of unladen weight from 0 to 100 in less than 2.9 seconds and runs at over 200 km/h. Depending on the version, the towing capacity is up to 5 tons.

Tesla claims a range of over 500 kilometers. In the event of a blackout, the battery should be able to supply a household with up to 11.5 kW for several days. It is charged with a maximum charging capacity of 250 kW.

The on-board power supply has a voltage of 48 volts, a first for a production car. The usual voltage is 12 volts. This means that the windscreen wiper motor, which is identical to the one in the Model Y, is able to move the 1.17 meter long wiper of the Cybertruck.

List prices in the USA range from a good 57,000 to a good 96,000 dollars (equivalent to 53,000 to 89,000 euros). Tesla has not said whether the Cybertruck will be sold outside the USA at some point. At the moment, the company is busy satisfying demand on the domestic market. Besides, there is still time to show fans in Europe a long nose. Four or five Cybertrucks are touring Europe, and after Vienna (May 23 to 25), the Cyber Odyssey will also stop in Salzburg (May 29 to June 1).

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read the original article here.

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